Friday, July 11, 2008


A lot has asked me why I hate the current government so much. I think I need to set the record straight. I do not hate BN itself, but what I dont agree with are their loopsided unjust policies.

I dont need be an old broken jukebox playing the same oldies again reiterating how Malaysia had bled billion of dollars through corruption. And now things has gone up a notch with the bigwigs politicians from the ruling coalition flexing their power abusing their positions for their own good.

When I was back in Kulim, I told my girlfriend, this is what I dont agree. 5% discount for Bumiputera. Why does a rich Bumiputera deserves 5% discount and a poor non Bumiputera needs to pay the full value? Isnt there something wrong with the logic here?

Yes, this is one of the most basic talked about mishap in Malaysia policies. Thanks to the New Economic Policy (NEP). Nevertheless this hurts our pocket.

And it hurts deep..........

Malaysia now has been given a chance by Pakatan Rakyat to make a change. I ask all Malaysians to put Pakatan Rakyat to the test. Are they just blowing empty air or are they really what they said they are. Put them to the test, just like how our forefathers put Parti Perikatan to the test back then. Let Agenda Ekonomi Baru be the next guide for Malaysia's future. Those who are interested in getting a copy can proceed to PKR or Anwar's blog to retrieve a copy. Lets give Malaysia, our bumi tercinta a fighting chance to be one of Asia's leading economic respected Tiger again.


Unknown said...

It's sad that after all these years, we still debate on bumiputra and non bumiputra........

Chee Yong said...

Hi there, Hooi Cheng. Nice to meet a fellow blogger here. me and Hooi Cheng are high school friends although we dont talk much hahaha. Yes its sad that we are still trap at this mindset. Hopefully more fellow Malaysians will rise up and make a change.