Thursday, August 23, 2007

MCA Pusing Belakang

Wow MCA publicises their heroic act. Wee has apologised. Beres. Please forgive Wee. But later on after a Cabinet meeting, case has been sent to AG Dept for review. Wee may be taken some form of legal action either under Sedition Act, National Anthem Act.......dunno la. Got so many acts. But MCA act smart only. Here is an excerpt after that. The pusing belakang statement from MCA.

Wow MCA, you're master of mask changing technique from China. If you're biawak, then you're a chameleon.

Hey fellow friends, can vote kah this kind of party? A party that pusing belakang. In life, what I hate most are people that have no integrity. And it goes without saying, the top echelon leaders in MCA are all talk only. They speak to the press how they will champion this and champion that which is pretty useless. To me thats omong omong kosong only. Wanna talk. Talk in Parliment. Speak up in the Cabinet meeting.

MCA bersetuju Meng Chee dihukum

Wednesday, 22 August 2007
PETALING JAYA: MCA bersetuju dengan gesaan pelbagai pihak supaya tindakan undang-undang dikenakan terhadap Wee Meng Chee kerana mencipta klip video menghina lagu Negaraku dengan menggunakan bahasa kasar dan lucah.
Naib Presiden parti itu, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek berkata, persetujuan itu selaras dengan prinsip parti berkenaan bahawa perkataan lucah dan yang menyentuh sensitiviti kaum dan agama tidak boleh digunakan semata-mata atas nama kebebasan.
``Kita berharap kerajaan mengambil tindakan tegas kepada sesiapa yang melanggar prinsip ini dan kita serahkan kepada kebijaksanaan Peguam Negara untuk menyiasat dengan lebih terperinci mengenai apa tindakan yang seharusnya dikenakan,'' katanya.
Beliau yang juga Menteri Kesihatan berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas mewakili Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak merasmikan Kongres Patologi dan Makmal Perubatan Sedunia Ke-24 di sini.
Sebelum ini, akhbar-akhbar melaporkan Meng Chee meminta maaf kepada kerajaan dan rakyat Malaysia yang tersinggung dengan penyiaran lagu yang diberi tajuk `Negarakuku’ itu.
Meng Chee juga dilaporkan telah mencipta sebuah lagi lagu bertajuk Kawanku/My Friends yang terang-terangan menghina kaum Melayu.
Susulan itu, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menegaskan proses undang-undang terhadap Meng Chee, 24, pelajar tahun akhir jurusan Komunikasi Awam sebuah universiti di Taiwan akan diteruskan walaupun dia sudah meminta maaf secara terbuka.
Dalam pada itu, Soi Lek berkata, beberapa kenyataan pemimpin MCA sebelum ini supaya kes itu diselesaikan setelah Meng Chee meminta maaf tidak harus disalah tafsir bahawa parti itu mempertahankan orang yang menggunakan perkataan lucah serta memperalatkan agama dan kaum.
``Ini tidak benar kerana kita menghormati prinsip saling hormat menghormati dalam sebuah negara majmuk dan kita bersetuju tindakan diambil bukan sahaja terhadap Meng Chee malah kepada sesiapa yang melanggar undang-undang dan menggugat keharmonian antara kaum,'' tegasnya.
Beliau menjelaskan, pihaknya mahu isu itu diselesaikan segera kerana bimbang ia diperalatkan oleh pihak tidak bertanggungjawab termasuk parti pembangkang demi kepentingan politik mereka.-Utusan

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

06 November Is Tarnished

How dare they make a mockery of my birthday. 06-Nov every year is supposed to be a day of peace and justice prevails. Below is an excerpt from MsiaKini

DAP Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen described the circular issued on Nov 6, 2006 and in particular clause 6 of the circular as “racially discriminatory” and “most improper and unwarranted.” Chong, who is also the state assemblyperson for Kota Sentosa, said he had sent a letter on the matter to Abdullah today. The prime minister is also finance minister. Copies of the letter were also sent to Deputy Finance Minister Dr Ng Yen Yen, Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud and Deputy Chief Minister Dr George Chan. Clause 6 of the circular states: “Bagi projek pembangunan fizikal yang tidak melebihi RM30 juta, agensi hendaklah melantik perunding bumiputera tempatan yang berdaftar dengan Kementerian Kewangan.” (For development projects not exceeding RM30 million, agencies must appoint local bumiputera consultants registered with the Finance Ministry).

Wow thought that Badawi just said he always has been fair and will carry on to be fair. How come MCA never speak up? Oh I forgot. Mute people dont speak. Or they prefer only to speak in Mandarin where others dont understand. My friend say thats Sun Tzu Art Of War. First of all dont make a mockery out of Sun Tzu lah. You idiot! Second I doubt he read the book before. So dont simply any how quote. Again idiot!

Going back to this circular, I am not suprised at all. Its just another drop of the many drops of how unjust things are. Then again Msians are tolerant lot of people. They probably dismissed this as another drop in the ocean. For this, I am disgusted with this chicken brand of people.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Walk the Talk

Went to MacRichie Reservoir for a 10km walk. Since I decided that I should walk the talk. So here I am.Letih also walking the talk as some the terrains are kinda challenging. Some are muddy, some are steep slopes. Some areas are freaking hot without any shades. But what freaked me out most is the hanging bridge. I was never a fan of heights. Never was and never will. Then again, you can see monkeys hanging around the bridge. They seem friendly though. And they poo as well on the bridge la.

This walk was almost a non event due to a miscommunication. To cut it short, I got woke up by a 8.30am call and I made it there in 30-45 mins. Not bad huh.

But overall, I would love to go back there again and walk. Not jog. Saw some hardcore joggers there. This time will muster my guts, suck it in and snap some pics at the hanging bridge before I make my quick getaway.

Mana satu benar?

This must have been splashed out across the dailies. Pak Lah was quoted as saying he did not say that there must be a 30% Bumiputera participation. "You decide yourselves" he was quoted as saying.

If you looked through the 9th Msia Plan, Chapter 10, here is an excerpt I lifted

10.17 Equity Ownership and Control. The policy that requires at least 30 percent equity participation of Bumiputera entrepreneurs in privatized projects continued to be rigorously implemented. Based on the overall equity ownership of 35 companies approved to implement privatized projects during the Plan period, Bumiputera had a controlling interest in 24 companies. However, interms of par value of the shares, Bumiputera owned only 17.2 per cent of theequity, as shown in Table 10-4. This was largely due to the higher level of thepaid-up capital held by the Government in some of these companies.

10.29 Privatization will continue to be used as a vehicle to meet the objective of increasing Bumiputera equity ownership in the corporate sector. Towards this end, the requirement to allocate a minimum of 30 per cent of the equity of privatized entities to Bumiputera entrepreneurs will continue to be enforced.In addition to the three-year moratorium on the change in shareholding structureand shareholders, stringent procedures will continue to be adopted in the selectionof Bumiputera entrepreneurs to prevent the dilution of Bumiputera interests inthe privatized companies.

It says above its govt policy lah. So how come the vibes given were different? It says above at least 30% equity participation of Bumiputera. If Pak Lah is genuine, I suggest changes are made to this policy on whatever black and white documents are out there.

Until then, readers you decide.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Relevan MCA

MCA, sebut sahaja nama ini, naik berang lah aku. MCA ini merupakan satu satunya parti yg tidak mempunyai relevan lagi dlm polemik politik hari ini. Cakap saja parti Cina, tetapi MCA merupakan sebuah parti pengecut yg tidak berani bersuara di Parlimen mahupun di Kabinet. Ambil kes Wee Meng Chee baru baru ini. Soi Lek mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa Wee telah meminta maaf dan kes ini telah selesai. Apakah yg berlaku selepas itu? Wee mungkin dihadapkan ke mahkamah. Malah baru saja saya habis menonton Warta Negeri di RTM 1. President GPMS dipetik masih memberi komen pedas dan kerasnya terhadap isu ini. Malah diambil pula beberapa budak sekolah, ditemuramah menerajang lagi Wee Meng Chee.

Jadi dalam kemulut ini, apakah usaha usaha yg telah dilakukan atau akan dilakukan oleh MCA? MCA ini umpama Mulut Cakap Aje, tetapi lain yg dilakukannya. Saya rasa cukuplah setakat ini, peluang diberikan kepada MCA. Pilihanraya ini, kita tolak MCA, parti yg memberi sumbangan kosong. Omong omong kosong dan janji janji palsu mereka kita tolak dlm pilihanraya ini. Dgn situasi politik memperlihatkan kerakusan dan kehakisan kebebasan dan sosio ekonomi setiap individu, MCA hanya diam membisu.

Kepada member aku yg hendak mengajak saya masuk MCA, langkah mayat saya dulu. Saya tidak akan menjual maruah saya memasuki parti ini.