Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another One!

This must be the 4th racquet I had found without a owner for the many years I had been playing badminton. It's good considering the fact that I would need to return Muscle Power 30 to the rightful owner.

Out of 4, 2 I actually pass it on to the sports hall and the other 2 I kept it for myself. Yeah yeah yeah. I am a bastard for doing so. The racquet I am using now, brand Flymax was also found in a sports hall. Little is known about this brand or its model. All I can say is that, it could be one of those cheap knock off that tries to imitate a Yonex racquet. However it has served me well throughout the years. No complaints from me.

However my search for a good badminton racquet continues. need to find one that fits my budget, and something that feels right for me.

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