Friday, April 25, 2008

NTV7 8PM News

Anyone here watches NTV7 primetime news at 8pm? I do. Ever since 08-Mar elections, I try to make it a ritual that I catch the day's election updates. Post election, I still tune in to NTV7 because among all the news stations on Malaysian channels, I perceived it to be the fairest in terms of its coverage.

The thing about NTV7 primetime news is that the likelihood of seeing newscaster fumbles while reading the news is a norm. Initially I thought that pre election coverage with news streaming in at a rapid pace might have resulted in the news coverage to be a little spontaneous. Too hot to handle. However yesterday and the day before yesterday, the newscaster just cant get the news right. At times she needs to rely on her papers. And on some occasions, she just fumbles along the lines. You can really sense, something is not working out right with the equipments.

NTV7 is not a new tv station. Hope that they make an effort to bring us more professional news reading and take a cue from other stations. Constant fumbling on air is really unacceptable if you ask me.

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